文章名:Raman micro-spectroscopy monitoring of cytochrome c redox state in Candida utilis during cell death under low-temperature plasma-induced oxidative stress
作者:Zhu Chen,Jinghua Liu,Lijiao Tian,Qianqian Zhang,Yong Guan,
Liang Chen,Gang Liu,Han-qing Yu,Yangchao Tian,Qing Huang*
期刊和卷号:Analyst, 2020, 145
引用:Chen Z,Liu J,Tian L ,et al. Raman micro-spectroscopy monitoring of cytochrome c redox state in Candida utilis during cell death under low-temperature plasma-induced oxidative stress[J]. Analyst, 2020, 145.
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00507J
文章名:Single-Particle Analysis for Structure and Iron Chemistry of Atmospheric Particulate Matter
作者:Jie Ding,Yong Guan,Yalin Cong,Liang Chen,Yu-Feng Li,Lijuan Zhang,Lili Zhang,Jian Wang,Ru Bai,Yuliang Zhao,Chunying Chen,Liming Wang*
期刊和卷号:Analytical Chemistry, 2020,92(1)
引用:Ding J,Guan Y,Cong Y,et al. Single Particle Analysis for Structure and Iron Chemistry of Atmospheric Particulate Matter[J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(1):975-982.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03913
文章名:Directly observing intracellular nanoparticle formation with nanocomputed tomography
作者:Miaomiao Zhang,Yong Guan,Zheng Dang,Pinggen Zhang,Zhen Zheng, Liang Chen,Wen Kuang,Chenchen Wang,Gaolin Liang*
期刊和卷号:Science Advances, 2020, 6(43)
引用:Zhang M ,Guan Y ,Dang Z ,et al.Directly observing intracellular nanoparticle formation with nanocomputed tomography[J].Science Advances, 2020, 6(43):eaba3190.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba3190
文章名:Quantitative three‐dimensional nondestructive imaging of whole anaerobic ammonium‐oxidizing bacteria
作者:Meng-Wen Peng,Yong Guan,Jian-Hong Liu,Liang Chen,Han Wang,Zheng-Zhe Xie,Hai-Yan Li,You-Peng Chen*,Peng Liu,Peng Yan,Jin-Song Guo,Gang Liu*,Yu Shene,Fang Fang
期刊和卷号:Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2020, 27(3)
引用:Quantitative three‐dimensional nondestructive imaging of whole anaerobic ammonium‐oxidizing bacteria[J].Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2020, 27(3).
DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520002349
文章名:Fabricating 3D Metastructures by Simultaneous Modulation of Flexible Resist Stencils and Basal Molds
作者:Hongbing Cai, Qiushi Meng, Qiang Chen, Huaiyi Ding, Yanmeng Dai, Sijia Li,Disheng Chen, Qinghai Tan, Nan Pan, Changgan Zeng, Zeming Qi, Gang Liu,Yangchao Tian, Weibo Gao*,Xiaoping Wang*
期刊和卷号:Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(36)
引用:Fabricating 3D Metastructures by Simultaneous Modulation of Flexible Resist Stencils and Basal Molds[J]. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(36).
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202002570
文章名:Spatial distribution of IL4 controls iNKT cell-DC crosstalk in tumors
作者:Lu Wang,Zhilan Liu,Lili Wang,Qielan Wu,Xiang Li,Di Xie,Huimin Zhang,Yongdeng Zhang,Lusheng Gu,Yanhong Xue,Ting Yue,Gang Liu,Wei Ji, Haiming Wei,Tao Xu,Li Bai
期刊和卷号:Cellular & Molecular Immunology,2020,17(5)
引用: Wang L , Liu Z , Wang L , et al. Spatial distribution of IL4 controls iNKT cell-DC crosstalk in tumors[J]. Cellular & Molecular Immunology,2020,17(5):496-506.
DOI: 10.1038/s41423-019-0243-z
文章名:Selective Entropy Gain-Driven Adsorption of Nanospheres onto Spherical Bacteria Endows Photodynamic Treatment with Narrow-Spectrum Activity
作者:Binqian Yang, Feng Gao, Zhiyuan Li, Mingyang Li, Liang Chen, Yong Guan, Gang Liu,Lihua Yang期刊和卷号:Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020,11(8)
引用:Yang B ,Gao F ,Li Z ,et al. Selective Entropy Gain-Driven Adsorption of Nanospheres onto Spherical Bacteria Endows Photodynamic Treatment with Narrow-Spectrum Activity[J].Phys Chem Lett 11(8): 2788-2796.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00287
文章名:Optical Detection Method for High Aspect Ratio Microstructures
作者:Wenbin Wei, Shuangyue Hou, Zhao Wu, Yue Hu, Yi Wang, Lijuan Chen, Ying Xiong,Yangchao Tian and Gang Liu*
期刊和卷号:Micromachines, 2020, 11(3)
引用:Wei W ,Hou S ,Wu Z ,et al. Optical Detection Method for High Aspect Ratio Microstructures[J]. Micromachines, 2020, 11(3):296.
DOI: 10.3390/mi11030296
文章名:Optimization of development process for fabrication of high aspect ratio gratings
作者:WANG Yi;HOU Shuang-yue;XIONG Ying;TIAN Yang-chao;LIU Gang
期刊和卷号:Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, 2020, 28(3)
引用:WANG Yi,HOU Shuang-yue,XIONG Ying,et al.Optimization of development process for fabrication of high aspect ratio gratings[J]. Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, 2020, 28(3):632-638.
DOI: 10.3788/OPE.20202803.0632
文章名:Impaired lipid biosynthesis hinders anti-tumor efficacy of intratumoral iNKT cells
作者:Sicheng Fu,Kaixin He,Chenxi Tian,Hua Sun,Chenwen Zhu,Shiyu Bai,Jiwei Liu,Qielan Wu,Di Xie,Ting Yue,Zhuxia Shen,Qingqing Dai, Xiaojun Yu,Shu Zhu,Gang Liu,Rongbin Zhou,Shengzhong Duan,Zhigang Tian ,Tao Xu,Hua Wang*,Li Bai*
期刊和卷号:Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1)
引用:Fu S , He K ,Tian C ,et al. Impaired lipid biosynthesis hinders anti-tumor efficacy of intratumoral iNKT cells[J].Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1).
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14332-x
文章名:Generalized reverse projection method for grating-based phase tomography
作者:Zhao Wu*,Kun Gao,Zhili Wang,Shengxiang Wang,Peiping Zhu,Yuqi Rend,Yangchao Tiana*
期刊和卷号:Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,2021,28
引用:Generalized reverse projection method for grating‐based phase tomography[J]. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation,2021,28.
DOI: 10.1107/S1600577521001806
文章名:Prototype system of noninterferometric phase-contrast computed tomography utilizing medical imaging components
作者:Z. Wu,W. B. Wei,K. Gao,G. Liu,G. F. Liu,H. X. Sun,J. Jiang,Q. P. Wang,Y. L. Lu,Y. C. Tian
期刊和卷号:Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129(7)
引用:Wu Z ,Wei W B,Gao K , et al. Prototype system of noninterferometric phase-contrast computed tomography utilizing medical imaging components[J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129(7):074901.
DOI: 10.1063/5.0031392
文章名:Molybdenum derived from nanomaterials incorporates into molybdenum enzymes and affects their activities in vivo
作者:Mingjing Cao, Rong Cai, Lina Zhao, Mengyu Guo, Liming Wang, Yucai Wang, Lili Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Haodong Yao, Chunyu Xie, Yalin Cong, Yong Guan, Xiayu Tao, Yaling Wang, Shaoxin Xu, Ying Liu, Yuliang Zhao ,Chunying Chen*
期刊和卷号:Nature Nanotechnology,2021,16(6)
引用:Cao M ,Cai R ,Zhao L , et al. Molybdenum derived from nanomaterials incorporates into molybdenum enzymes and affects their activities in vivo[J]. Nature Nanotechnology,2021,16(6).
DOI: 10.1038/s41565-021-00856-w